7 Things You Should Know About Bulk Freeze Dried Food

Purchasing bulk freeze dried food has become more popular during the last decade. With a volatile economy, bouts of inflation, and the potential for a natural disaster leaving any area without power or the ability to get food, many preppers are taking the initiative to stockpile for their families. The concept of freeze dried food is one that has been around for quite some time. Today, companies are catering to those who want to be prepared for any kind of disaster with a variety of hydratable meals. If you are considering stocking up, here are some things you should know.

1. It’s Designed to Last – The average of freeze dried food can last between 25 and 30 years when it has not been opened. If you happen to open something, it is still good for one or two weeks. The idea behind purchasing bulk freeze dried food is that you are investing in the type of emergency situation that could happen at any point in the future.

2. Economic Hardship Triggers Purchasing – If you think that individuals who believe in Executive Order are the only ones to purchase bulk freeze dried food, think again. This is a practical option for anyone. One of the leading reasons why people choose to purchase this food is its affordability per portion. In the wake of economic hardship, knowing the food is available when you don’t have any money can be a real lifesaver.

3. Some Religions Encourage Food Storage – According to statistics on buying, roughly 10% of consumers do so for religious reasons. For example, LDS Mormons preach about the importance of having at least one year supply of food stored for any pending disaster.

4. Freeze Dried Food is Healthy – Unlike the chemically late in fast food burgers sitting in a museum, unable to mold, freeze-dried food is actually healthy. The process of freeze-drying is where high temperatures are used to eliminate the moisture within a specific food. Through this process, the food retains the majority of its nutrients. Plus there are no additional chemicals needed to preserve it. The technique itself dates back as far as the Incan period.

5. The Food Tastes Good – chances are you’ve tried small packs of freeze dried fruit in your local grocery store. There’s no added sugar and you notice that the fruit has a similar texture to Styrofoam. When you buy bulk freeze dried food, all you have to do is add some warm water to rehydrated into its natural state. Whether you’re choosing cottage cheese, vegetables, or canned beef, the food tastes just about the same as it did prior to the process.

Purchasing this produce is an economical solution. Companies that offer this freeze dried goods typically sell bulk size buckets with portion packs. For example you might buy a 50 gallon bucket of vegetables that are four servings each. There are a variety of meals and flavors to choose from, all of which can be shipped around the world. Start by preparing your family for the next flood, hurricane, power outage, or economic downturn by purchasing bulk freeze dried food today.

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